Wednesday, September 13, 2006

...and it continues!

So the 1st show is tonight right...

Were in boston at the store waiting to do an in store now and
we just found out that psuedo slang just got the tourvan and will be
late and they're 8 hours away. We need to be on that van to get to
buffalo tommorrow. So ps are supposed to come get us and then go
back?!??!!? 16 hours?!?!?? If they don't make the show then what? And
this promoter wants ps more than anyone else, AND its a door show aka
we get paid off the door. Like I said I'm keeping it real here and
this is lame. Its not ps' fault because they had issues with the van,
but damn we been here since sunday morning just waiting around, now we
may get dissed because...I don't even know if I'm making sense because
I'm typing on a mobile device. Ill let you guys know what's up later.
This shit may be over before it starts.

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