Sunday, April 15, 2007

disregard this

im just doin this cause its my damn blog


hi mom :-D

i didnt forget i said i was working on that record that i wanted to finish as soon as i could

im trying to get back to working on that i have all the beats and some songs were recorded (that "slowest song ever" came out wack so forget it)

im not gonna get disgruntled but lets just say self untitled means too much to me to just put it out the way us underground dudes put albums out. you know, "if you cant find it in stores...." and all the distro headaches and shit. f*ck that times 50. id rather never put it out.

i got a special email today from someone that told me i inspire them. they been listening to me for a long time and today they said im inspiring and they been listening to grand vonye a lot. then if you read donwills blog you know a guy at a show said TM bought him back to hip hop, then he was sitting there quoting lines i said back in like 2003 and dope. i thank you folks. im about to go on a "i love music money aint shit" rant but i wont.

so heres whats going on with me:
tanya morgan is about to take the summer over. remember i said this: "and you say" and "walk this way (dream on)" are your 2 summer jams. just have to finish em.

im going back to workin on that album i said im working on.

and getting ready for the brooklyn hip hop festival...

my favorite angry rapper asked me to be on a song with him (hes not a mad rapper hes an angry rapper. its all in his voice. he always sounds like he just finished fighting and i love that shit) so im trying to hurry and finish that

my favorite "i got shot but not for real" rapper asked me to be on a song with him so i have to hurry and finish that

and a bunch of other sh*t thats in its "when we doing a song together? stop playing!" phase. with that said KENN WHERE YOU AT!!!

and im also turning down every thing i hand in to myself for brooklynati.


Anonymous said...

Hey good lookin on the Shout out. By the way the Name is Bam, Tm #1, fan but no Stan. Anyway The show was hot and I cant wait for the BHF. I will be sending out info to everyone I know to be there and support TM. Also wait until you see my hot custome made TM shirt. It will be the stuff of legends.

PS arent you guys doing a show next week in NY? said...

whatup! we got a show in may. i think the 10th, at sputnik in brooklyn

Unknown said...


aeon? said...

oh word? @ may 10th

*strokes chin*

Sandy said...

i was just thinking about "the slowest song ever" last week. Never gonna finish it? Was looking forward to that one...

oh well.


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I'm Von Pea. I blog, but you wont get to know me.

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